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the botetourt squat's portal on the information superhighway


recently published:

The Flat Hat has been William & Mary's student newspaper since 1911. It covers the College and the surrounding area of Williamsburg, Va., printing on Tuesdays and Fridays of the academic year.

The paper derives its name and motto (“Stabilitas et Fides”) from the Flat Hat Club, the nation’s first secret society. The Flat Hat Club was founded at the College in 1750 and included among its members St. George Tucker, Thomas Jefferson and George Wythe. It is believed that the Flat Hat Club was the precursor of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, established at the College in 1776.

The Flat Hat printed its first issue on October 3, 1911, coming out with weekly papers until 2007 when it began printing twice weekly. Visit us online!